Buckhorn Golf Course
Dolan Morgan
Buckhorn Golf Course
36 FM 473, Comfort, TX 78013
4 out of 5 stars
This place is a real gem. Just imagine the scene: The Buckhorn Golf Course opens up before you, revealing layer
Buckhorn Golf Course
36 FM 473, Comfort, TX 78013
4 out of 5 stars
This place is a real gem. Just imagine the scene: The Buckhorn Golf Course opens up before you, revealing layer
When Rob sent out pictures of Sophia, innocuous prints of her at a bar or a party, he found himself getting pictures in return. These pictures he got were never family portraits or pictures with
Walter Matthau, we assume, has had a bad day. Or a bad night. Or both. Hell, back it up as far as you want to go: Week. Year. Fucking life. Drinking a beer in a Pizza Hut a few minutes into the
You’re beating him, he needs to protect / the plate and his at-bat, throw something / outside the zone! something he can’t / possibly hit, think how afraid he must be / of you.
Did you know mites are accruing primo destinies beneath my fur? Their spit glues each lover I’ve loved deeper into the next. I am a different, lesser value cajoled of that saliva. The trophies I
You will forget by your fourth birthday these your shifting first memories—your father’s goats at their graze, their black tongues slathered across your face, the chickens prancing and clucking upon the dirt of the yard, the spare trembling grasses and the crazed droning song of the grasshoppers, their brown juices streaking the lines of your palm.
I’ve been facing Sundays the same for a while now. The whole day feels like one of my quixotic childhood summers slamming shut. And, like that younger me full of dread, I’ve thrown off my sleep
When it is time to get the jugulars, we move our bodies out into the streets with our best cleavages bared. We move as one woman, but it turns out we are one dozen women from the same neighborhood.
Be a 22 year old American boy—get really drunk and embarrass yourself in front of the beautiful, freckled, 29 year old Italian Volcanologist that invited you to drinks with her 31 year
Don’t believe me if you want, but the hole just appeared one night.
Writers in M.F.A. programs assume, and are often told, that teaching means time away from writing—that after responding to their students’ work, professors rarely have energy left for their own
The boy has horrible teeth and a bicycle. They’re yellow, his teeth, and after school the children take a tree branch to his mouth.
His bicycle painted in bird shit: he rides for hours
My Little Ponies™ and the Search for the Blue Crystal
Breaking Brony
A cross-genre work of fan fiction
The sun rises on the great and beautiful land of Equestria. Applejack trots
Hobart: We’ve seen each other at the last couple Mission Creek festivals in Iowa City, and it was there that we got to talking this last year a little about your new book, surfing,
In sandtiger bellies, the young eat the young. You could fit a new-hatched sandtiger pup in your hand, but you shouldn't; they are pink, squishy cartilage, knife-tip teeth, and only the first one survives, chasing siblings down uterine hallways: hide and seek to death. After eating all his brothers, the last one standing sucks yolk like CapriSun from his sharkmom's eggs. By the time the sharkmom gives birth, the pup is the size of a six year old child.
It’s pity sex for both of us, me and Karen and her glass eye, in a motel room off the interstate.
The American stillborn sense of justice has worn its grave so truthfully all things pious count no more and didn’t then. We want poignant documentaries, exposes of humanitarian needlework to rally
As I write this, on a Friday afternoon in early August, the Phillies are losing 7-2 in Washington, and Scott Hairston is walking up to the plate to pinch-hit for the Nationals. My phone is
It is not easy to remove a heart with a spoon from the chest of a man, nor is it clean. The spoon was purchased 48 hours earlier from the Bed, Bath & Beyond on 9th Street. The Nicole Miller Moments 5 pc Flatware Set was $24.99. The salad fork, dinner knife, dinner fork, and soup spoon were disposed of. Only the teaspoon remained.
you can call me the Boom Doctor
I have your emptied-out torso on the operating table
“Go back to sleep,” I hissed at Perry. It was 2:00 in the morning and we were in our newly purchased condo in Mammoth, sleeping in twin beds in the only room that was habitable. The other two
I’m wet and wearing white pants
I’m wet and wearing
White pants.
I’m wet and
Wearing white
Pants. I’m wet
Pants. I’m wet
I’m wet and wearing white pants.
Wearing white
I’m wet
At first, you think it’s going to be that old cliché: men and their brown liquors sitting in leather chairs in front of fireplaces, fiddling with models of ships and speaking their “big important