Honest Abe & Emily Dickinson Goes for a Drive
Penny Anderson
Here’s a story. One night in the tedious plains of Colorado, Abraham Lincoln drove his Model T into an embankment...
Here’s a story. One night in the tedious plains of Colorado, Abraham Lincoln drove his Model T into an embankment...
He had a broad scar that ran over the back of his kneecap. The skin was all shiny and soft, like white bread packaged in Saran Wrap.
A massive plaster moon rotates above the rooftop bar, casting a milky glow over my fellow patrons. One by one their orders are placed. A vanilla bean porter with toasted nut highlights. A
This was the movie that I had been most excited for this summer. I’m most likely Zach Galifianakis’ biggest fan, and I’m not that far off from being Will Ferrell’s either. But, as many hilarious
One girl watches the boys make a bomb of birds
a split bowl of suns dissolving a table
An excited murmur came to life when the audience was informed of the PhD in Biogenetics, the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, and then the sweet icing: the minor in English.
For this edition of the Non-Reader Spotlight, I’m thrilled to be talking about reading and not reading with Mary Hamilton.
Spend enough time on Twitter and you will eventually discover there is within it an odd, alternate world of very funny, 140-character prankster surrealists. A shortcut to discovering them: Go to
There was a pile of sticks on the edge of the world. In it, numerous things of interest were living. One was a lawyer who enjoyed eating fried chicken at unusually early times
There was a thunderstorm
but nobody wanted it. It just sat there...
When found in this situation we realize that it is customary to provide a list of demands or a ransom note. We have discussed amongst ourselves what we would like. We even included the hostages in
A short interview about punk rock and aging with NoMeansNo drummer John Wright & guitarist Tom Holliston
The Ship: Behind the bar is a small window, and behind the window, a small room. On the left side, stacked within metal lattices, are wooden barrels tilted on their sides and filled with unknown
Easy Rider perfectly displays the counter-culture rebellion of the 1960s. Two hippie bros, Wyatt (Peter Fonda) and Billy (Dennis Hopper), ride their motorcycles from Los Angeles to New Orleans in
It’s a different gator every year, but we talk like it’s the same one.
The night needed a push. I was the only customer in the place, this small dark place called Barely Legal with just one stage and a handful of circle tables and red candles. I’d run out of money
In the back of my fridge, behind the bottles of Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale and cans of Good People IPA and bottles of Lipton Green Tea with Citrus and assorted bottles of water, there’s a bottle of blue pop.
In 2010, Michael Martone began conducting a series of interviews. Each of these interviews was written under the pen name Matthew Baker, each of these interviews was titled “An Interview with
Okay, so the trailer makes Dark Horse seem like a fun, silly comedy about a man who might not be the most mature guy ever, but seems really likable. About twenty minutes into the film, however, I
Doesn’t it always begin with a contraction, a fluttering musclequake, birding in your heart?
I remember one robot was called a SENTRY and it guarded the door...
"I think I'm just trying to be a good listener."
It’s 10:57 Albuquerque time, eight minutes before kickoff, and I’m already flustered. I hosted a party last night, which means I woke up this morning with a clogged kitchen drain and beer bottles
A true bourbon is a bourbon with a story worth remembering. It doesn’t have to be a good bourbon, but then a true story doesn’t have to be a good story.
I was twenty-two the year I realized I was scared of everything.
The monkey breeder interviews her suitability over the phone.
"...the activity is difficult and risky and can be the source of great dissonance if it reaches the point of cognition."