Danielle D
Erick Bradshaw
It was cold out.
He never did meet the kid.
He arrived in the city with an STD.
It was cold out.
He never did meet the kid.
He arrived in the city with an STD.
Sun on the creases of someone I love, shadows cut / our funny surface.
He’d been by himself now for months except for game night with his colleagues and so he multiplied 13 by 47 in his head and divided it down until it was a trace behind the decimal point and then he asked her if she would like to meet him for a coffee downtown.
Chronic illness already made dating hard. And then the pandemic arrived.
“I almost forgot—” my childhood friend interjected as we were wrapping up a phone call on a blustery September day. “I
Bobby was going down, not on a woman or a man but fast and with extreme force into the frost covered asphalt of a Holiday Inn parking lot, five minutes from the Detroit airport.
Many days I realize my dreams are fiction half way through.
Ask her to aim her index fingers.
at you. Aim yours.
used to bring my glove
no fan would be without one
allure of the foul
I used to believe
some men were superior
they wore hats and gloves
they had statistics
posters adorned
Sometime during the last two hours, Clark Griswold has stopped feeling cold.
He claws at the frozen ground, vaguely aware of the intensifying blizzard. Snow replaces the dirt he shovels between
cheney stadium, home to the now defunct tacoma tigers and current tacoma rainiers, once held a monster used car blowout extravaganza in their parking lot. i was 17 and needed a cheap car, so i