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February 5, 2017 |

The Agenda

TJ Murray

The Agenda photo
My Mother in 2075 photo

February 3, 2017 | Fiction

My Mother in 2075

Erika Price

She can't remember the important bad things. I ask her about the divorces and the dead dogs buried in the woods and the cracks in the bathroom tile and the negative, blood red balance in her checking account and her eyes go blank and she shakes her head like she's been overcome by some faint neurological chill. 

Once, on a full moon, I started sobbing photo

February 1, 2017 | Poetry

Once, on a full moon, I started sobbing

E Yeon Chang

I have watched too much reality TV about Kimye and teen mothers. This is why I cannot explain April like a normal person.

Book Report: Based on a True Story: A Memoir by Norm Macdonald photo

January 30, 2017 |

Book Report: Based on a True Story: A Memoir by Norm Macdonald

Steve Anwyll

I came at reading this book as I do most things. Like a fool. I expected what the cover hinted at. A memoir. Some casual retelling of Norm's life. I expected quaint takes of rural Canadian life