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Showing results for August, 2023

August 7, 2023 | Nonfiction


Sean Kilpatrick

gen x girls grew too cool to touch and millennials gayed the world the rest of the way limp in their piteous attempts to save it.

August 7, 2023 | Poetry

3 Poems

Nidhi Agrawal

“I like the way how you wriggle when
Your mind doesn’t agree with your heart”

August 6, 2023 | fucked up modern love essays

Is This Goodbye Then?

Anastasia Shteinert

The hangover was ruining the romance. Last night I woke up a friend and made her drink wine—Chateau 2016. I had to deal with my nerves somehow.

August 4, 2023 | Poetry

50 States

Lindsay Jarrett Smith


Our translation of home.

August 3, 2023 | Fiction


Devin Jacobsen

He had lost his virginity to nothing less than the beast of the swamp.

August 2, 2023 | Poetry

Two Poems

Kai White

and now i teach street

kids from akron how to

use google docs, and

how to express themselves

August 1, 2023 | Poetry

Three Poems

John B. Oldenborg

What’s your name? Like an oak
I want to carve a heart
into our washing machine.