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Showing results for 2014

June 25, 2014 | Interview

Time and Resonance: An Interview with Shane Jones

J.A. Tyler

Shane Jones’s Crystal Eaters begins as a countdown. The chapter numbers start at 40 and irregularly drop to zero by the book’s end. The page numbers recede against conventions too, and the

June 24, 2014 | Fiction

Final Warning

Nora Bonner

Betty crossed her yard and our street and my yard holding a bundle of mail.

June 23, 2014 |

Part 4: Keeping Score

Rolf Potts & Cedar Van Tassel

June 20, 2014 |

This Moment at the Peticolas Brewing Company...

Geoffrey Geoffrey


This Moment at the Peticolas Brewing Company When Chris and I Thought That Becoming Brewers Was the Only Way to Find Meaning in Our Otherwise Meaningless Lives


It looked like it was

June 19, 2014 | Fiction

Three Stories

Mike Topp

The Light Bulb

Man did not get the idea for the light bulb from those cartoons when someone gets an idea.



Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe’s last words were not

June 18, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

S.P. MacIntyre


When tenderness runs out there is tenderness,
Jonathan says.  We hand-in-handed but days
ago to the hiss of ocean spray, the salutation
and valediction of the sea a frothing

June 17, 2014 | Fiction

The Panda Barn

Lyndsey Reese

It’s called The Panda Barn, where you can go and it’ll just be rows and rows of beds

June 16, 2014 |

Part 3: Too Much Reality

Rolf Potts & Cedar Van Tassel

June 13, 2014 | Interview

Brian Allen Carr Interview

Sean Kilpatrick

Sean Kilpatrick: If you and I could be said to exist outside ye old literary camps, and I think our flags remain hygienic because I don’t leave the house and you’re too good at what you do, also

June 13, 2014 | Fiction

This Is What That Means 

Maggie Donohue

I snapped back into it at the bar. I’d been there the whole time, of course, but I hadn’t really acknowledged it, and I took in the room and the situation like crawling out of a ditch. Billy was

June 12, 2014 | Poetry

2 Poems

Michael Meyerhofer


When I was twenty, Emily called me
from her dorm room. She wanted to know
if I believed in God, something about
trading an Iowa village population
three grand for a

June 11, 2014 | Fiction

3 Fictions

Erica Stern

The Day Shirley Temple Died

I remembered I was a bad mother. I called up my son, a bellboy in a fancy Las Vegas hotel, I wanted to apologize, patch things up. Redemption is a thing I believe

June 10, 2014 | Nonfiction

Merry Christmas, Cheryl Ann

Nathan Elias

The next three and a half or four minutes will be used to draw conclusions on the relevance and authenticity of Christmas based on self reflexivity by using photographs of Cheryl Ann during the days leading up to Christmas. 

June 9, 2014 |

Palo Alto

Sean Kilpatrick

You know shit’s over when they flunk a nihilist out of the suckass pedagogy for bringing too much optimism.

June 9, 2014 |

Part 2: Writing Prompts

Rolf Potts & Cedar Van Tassel

June 6, 2014 | Interview

Jason Ockert Interview

Patrick Siebel

Following his debut collection, Rabbit Punches (Low Fidelity Press, 2006), Neighbors of Nothing (Dzanc, 2013) marks Jason Ockert’s triumphant return to the press, offering ten distinctly original

June 4, 2014 | Nonfiction

The Last Room

Amy Benson

Humans learn occlusion on their way out of infancy—the ability to grasp that the toy still exists when it’s under the blanket...

June 3, 2014 | Fiction


Elise Matthews

 We believed something together, and when we believed it, it was true. Nothing else more true.

June 2, 2014 |

Part 1: (Dr.) Who Was This Guy?

Rolf Potts & Cedar Van Tassel

May 30, 2014 |

Blue Ruin

Sean Kilpatrick

 inhabited a square-foot ghetto in Austin, cute by standards of being raised south of 8 mile, upside Detroit’s unfair putty

May 30, 2014 | Poetry

Year Twenty Two

Zachary Cosby

i dedicate this poem
to the first 15 years
of the twenty first century.
it's name is "citrus".
i call it that
because I can't remember
its real name,
or anything else

May 29, 2014 | Poetry

Rubber Light

Aviva LeShaw

That was the night Gabby and I drank the bottle of bourbon next to the makolet.
In America, we call them mini-marts, but in Israeli outskirts,
we call them makolets --
until we can’t form the

May 29, 2014 | Interview

An Interview with Jenny Offill

Mesha Maren

Jenny Offill is the author of Last Things, and most recently, Dept. of Speculation.  In the words of Michael Cunningham, “Jenny Offill’s Dept. of Speculation resembles no book I’ve read before. If

May 28, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Ricky Garni

It's Complicated

I could make a painting brighter
if I used brighter colors
It’s as simple as that

But it’s really not because
I don’t want to use brighter colors

And why I don’t

May 28, 2014 | Fiction

A Beautiful Woman of the World

R. Dale Smith

I sat in my chair and stared at her. 

May 27, 2014 | Poetry

Apprehension & Other Colors, Fit to Size

Sarah Jean Alexander

I have developed the habit
of staring at the hands
of people standing next to me on the train

May 27, 2014 |

Knifehandle Sweetheart

Nick Francis Potter

May 26, 2014 | Poetry

5 Poems

Marci Rae Johnson

The Springfield Fire Department Reminds You to Be Prepared for Earthquakes

Even though Vachel Lindsay drank
lye and died in this room we
make out for a few minutes when
the tour guide

May 26, 2014 | Nonfiction

Baptisms for the Dead

Troy Weaver

We took a bus down to Dallas, TX, probably forty or fifty of us, and spent the night praying for our families in a large hotel room.

May 23, 2014 | Poetry

3 Poems

Ben Clark

Benjamin Charles Dowd

This has nothing to do with what you etch into the trunk
with his only pocket knife or that it will take him hours to axe
the tree down, set it aflame. Or that it was